Dany Cares
3 min readFeb 16, 2021


Married Men’s PATH for a Happy and Long LIFE

Looking back it was all worth it and I would do it all over again. I had this curiosity from young age to explore and the beauty if you never know where you will end up. My life brought me to Asia for over 15 years now. While it took me almost 2 years and several trips to meet, catch and convince my wife that I am a worthwhile candidate. I never gave up. With 2 boys becoming soon teenagers its been a great blessing and I could not have wished or imagined anything as good as it is today. I am in mid 50s and never had so much energy and life desire. A couple tweaks in your lifestyle and here we go. I was never really overweight and on my annual check ups a few years back I remember the doctors saying to I should loose about 10% of my weight. Every year I was thinking again what the hell they mean with me loosing weight. I felt great and absolutely no desire. A few years just turning 50 I started to have chronic back pain and one day I woke up and realized I do need to change my lifestyle. From doing a weekly golf day with my buddies I started with 2–3 weekly Yoga lessons, went on to add weekly boxing lessons and I am doing a daily min. walk of at least 8000 steps. Besides the sport activities I also have changed my nutrition in the last 12 months after watching a famous movie realizing that it is a combination of nutrition and exercise. So basically I am doing 4 days a week veggie food with salads, soups, egg, tofu +++ and NO ALCOHOL. There are some great Indian vegetarian means if you have a chance to try that are super tasty. Once a week is our family steak day and the others either fish or anything else. Adding about an average of 8 hours sleep a day, I lost about 10% of my weight. My blood vessels are now completely declogged. Guess what ? I have never had so many nightly erections and my desire for sex has probably tripled. As if I would not have had enough desire already but let me tell you its been crazy. THE WIFEY has been amazed by the discipline and our sex life has gone literally through the roof. Here comes a key question to everyone of us. How often should or can you have sex with your wife? My gut feeling for a happy and balanced couple life is probably 2–3 times. Its not how often but rather having less and more satisfying. Most of our friends wont even make it once a week. I am always surprised to hear the story of my wife’s friends and always wondered why is it like that. The answer is: Its a mutual feeling. Of course there are ups and downs in any relationship. However my best advise I have is to always look back and try to catch the moments during the times you where dating. The feeling when you had these butterfly moments and this physical attraction. Another key clue is to never loose the respect for each other. Even today after 15 years I am looking up to her and have this deep satisfaction inside that life has been a blessing. Most of the time happiness lies just in front of you and it all depends how you handle it and what you do with it. A truly soulmate for an eternal life. …



Dany Cares

Family Men, Golf, Wine, Travel, Explorer